
EP: Studio Brief 6 - Brief Sheet

Here is the brief sheet for Studio Brief 6;

EP: Potential Briefs

I've been giving some thought to what briefs I will take on this year. It's important to me that I focus my practice on briefs that'll interest me, unlike last years responsive when I found I hadn't enjoyed certain briefs, but had taken them on because I had to.

With this in mind here are my preliminary ideas for briefs over the next academic year;

Studio Brief 1;
Thought Bubble
In which I'll build a body of work to take to the comic festival.

Studio Brief 2;
Macmillan Children's Book Prize (or similar competition).
I've always wanted to create work for a children's book, with it being the focus of my Final Major Project during my foundation year. However I am unsure of my skill in this area, and feel my abilities may dictate me taking me on a different brief in the future.

Studio Brief 3;
YCN (or D&AD)
Although I don't like the idea of taking on another YCN or D&AD brief, I shall hold my breath, there may be something that comes out which peaks my interest.

Studio Brief 4;
Tory Chums
Although I will be focusing my CoP work around this I feel that my Tory Chums idea could gain traction as a marketable thing. However I will have to wait until after my CoP work is handed in before I can build on this to prevent confusion between modules.

Studio Brief 5;
Beyond La La Land
I've thoroughly enjoyed working on Beyond La La Land over the past few months and feel that I want it to become the final major piece that I work on for OUIL603. How I will adapt it to suit the module is something to think about, however.


EP: Summer Work - Peer Review

And we're back! After a day or two of paperwork related things, my final year has now begun. To start off we had a peer review consisting of all three levels of BA Illustration.

I had with me black and white printouts of 'Beyond La La Land' #1 and the first half of #2, and my Star-Lord piece. Additionally, I had a printout of my CoP3 work 'David Cameron and his Tory Chums' zine; a series of strips that may potentially lead into a Extended Practise brief also. Ideally I would have like to have presented my work in colour however until my student loan clears black and white is the only option.

Regardless of this, the response I received was great, with many people loving the world I have created in Beyond La La Land, wanted to read more. From a illustrative point, people appeared to really like my use of textures within the presented work. This is something I intend to develop across my career, so I'm glad it was well received.

Looking forward, I feel that Beyond La La Land has the potential to work as a big brief within EP. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes beyond Thought Bubble.

Here is my feedback sheet with some of the responses to my work;


EP Prep: Star-Lord

With just a week to go before returning to college I decided to relax somewhat by drawing for fun. Having recently watched Guardians of the Galaxy I decided to draw a Star-Lord piece, as I finished the line work, I realised that the piece could work well as a print to sell at Thought Bubble in November. The process for the completed piece can be seen here:

I can see a marked improvement in my line work in comparison to my 'Beyond La La Land' work. I will say that the weighting of some lines are perhaps a bit too heavy in some areas.

Additionally, whilst I really like the use of textures within this piece, I feel that the use of colour is definitely an area that needs to be worked on if it is to be sold. This is largely due to the over use of dark colours that bring the mood of the piece down and make it less visually appealing.


EP Prep: Beyond La La Land #2 - Part 1

Over the past few weeks I have had a short holiday (which was desperately needed) and finished the first half of the 2nd issue of 'Beyond La La Land'. Due to the small amount of time remaining before college begins again, I won't be able to complete a full second issue. I decided that rather than breaking the issue into 3 parts again, I would instead break it into 2.

During the creation of this work I tried to resolve the issue of static looking figures that held back parts of the first issue. To do this I scoured the internet looking for shots of people in more relaxed poses. This allowed for more fluid character movements, but I don't think this has yet been fully remedied yet.

Again this work has been posted to Gumroad for people to buy.

Here is the first part of the second issue;